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Thursday, April 18, 2013

20 Items to have in an Emergency

I received this handout from the daughter of  Sister Lana Richardson author of Emergencies and How to Prepare for Them

I'm not sure if this is from her book or just some information she felt it important to share but I wanted to pass it along to you.

There is also a video available at Sugardoodle of Sister Richardson speaking about her experience and the products she makes for emergency preparedness.  I've just finished watching it and picked up quite a bit of useful information. Prepared Not Scared

1. car kit: warm clothing (very warm), rain coat and pants- waterproof boots, 4-ply plastic 12x12, waterproof hat, water (1 or 2 gallons), small water purifier, survival candy, survival bread, toilet paper, shovel, good pocket knife, granola, dried fruit.

2. water purifier: look for one that will clean hundreds if not thousands of gallons of water. rebecca likes the "aqua rain" it can be found on the internet.

3. first aid kit: sterilized wraps, scissors, water, blanket, band-aids, cayenne pepper, allergy medicine, aspirin, re-hydration kit, stretchable wrap.

4. survival bread- this lasts forever. keep in car, keep in 72-hour kit. (a recipe is included on this site)

5. yerba mate: a survival herb found in spanish stores. purest form is "rosarita" from argentina. (rebecca said that some storebought version contain caffeine, also if you aren't able to steep into a tea, the leaf can be put under the tongue)

6. pulse: a variety of seeds, grains, legumes that will easily sprout. (there are instructions on this site for swedish limpa)

7. salt: (not store bought)- real salt with 72 minerals. an absolute necessity for survival.

8. sanitation kit: you will still need to use the bathroom even if there is no toilet. this is a must to prepare in advance.

9. wash kit: how will you wash your clothes? (a bucket with a hole in the lid for a toilet plunger could work)

10. dehydrated food: learn to dehydrate your own food. dehydrate items hard so they will last a long time.

11. honey: this is medicinal, if it is raw.

12. wheat: the real wheat kamut or spelt. remember when Brigham Young said there will be no comparison to the value of a bushel of wheat over a bushel of gold. most wheat today has been altered or changed.

13. wonder box: cooking with little heat. it's a slow cooker with no electricity. (instructions and diagram on this site called "bean bag cooker")- i have a pattern that you can trace.

14. 8 hours of heat in a can (instructions on this site, called "emergency stove")

15. personal protection: pepper spray and a whistle. a must for all women. (i imagine that the whistle could come in handy if you got lost in the woods too)

16. toiletries: tooth brush, paste, empty bottle to replace toilet paper and re-usable toilet paper, vinegar, baking soda, colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide, re-usable sanitary napkins.

17. organic sulfur.

18. money- silver coins (junk silver)

19. shelter (waterproof tent) or 4-ply plastic

20. disposable gloves, masks (N95), aged garlic, anti-plague, re-hydration kit.