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Friday, September 1, 2017

September 2017 Stake Relief Society Message

September 2017

My life lately seems crazy, unfocused, and busy. I have found it hard to prioritize the way I would like. As a result, peace seems to be an unachievable goal at times. This led me to the topic of priorities. Jesus taught about priorities when He said, “Seek not the things of this world, but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (JST, Matt. 6:38). This brings to mind the thought not only do I believe IN Christ, but do I BELIEVE CHRIST? He says choose him first and he will help with the rest. Why are we not putting more faith in this promise?

As we read and study the scriptures, we are given example after example of times when the Lord blessed the lives of his followers. We are asked to do so little for such large returns, yet we are leaving blessings on the table. A personal example of this recently was when I was asked to edit my husband’s report for one of his classes for his Master’s Degree. He is a very busy man and wanted it turned in by Sunday night, so that it could be graded, returned, fixed and completed by Tuesday. The thought came to my mind, “Do you trust me?” Did I trust that if I didn’t work on it on Sunday that it would still pass and be graded by the necessary time on Tuesday without changes having to be made? Did I have faith that the Lord’s request being followed would lead to sufficient blessings? Such a little thing, and yet… I took the leap of faith and spent time with family instead of editing the report on Sunday. Life was still crazy Monday, but I was able to edit and turn in the report by Monday afternoon. Chad was stressed! It usually took several days for the grading to be completed. As we watched the queue for grading, it went so much faster than normal. It was graded that night and he passed with flying colors. No further edits needed and within the time required. Blessings from the Lord? Yes!

This may seem like such a silly little inconsequential story, but it just reminds me that the Lord knows every need we have in our lives and is just waiting for us to place him first. Our lives are so busy, and usually with good things, but we need to make some changes to “choose the better part”. By doing so, not only can we receive the peace that comes from following the Savior, but we can be empowered to do more by receiving of the blessings that we have been promised, if we will but believe. Who doesn’t want the ability to do more?

Look at your life. Are you studying the scriptures daily, personally and as a family? Do you really take time at least once a week to participate as a family, discuss gospel topics, and focus on your relationships? Are you attending all of your church meetings? Do you truly pray with true intent having faith in Christ? Do you believe that Christ has all power to lift you in your time of need, even though it may seem small and inconsequential?

Isn’t it wonderful that the Lord has a plan for us to return home with Him and our Father in Heaven? Shouldn’t we follow it? As we make decisions in our lives, we need to ask ourselves “What will be the eternal impact of this decision?” We need to take time to read our scriptures, before we spend time with Social Media or TV. We need to add gospel discussion to our family dinners or outings. We need to put more effort into our devotion to Jesus Christ. By so doing, we will be blessed beyond anything we can comprehend. Our lives will take on new meaning. We will receive feelings of peace and comfort. We will be able to do more with the time we have and make more of a difference in the lives of our families and others. We will truly be instruments in God’s hands.

Sisters, we truly love you and can see the wonderful people that you are and the hard work that you do! We are so grateful for the dedication that you do have in your lives. We know that you are trying your hardest. That is why we know that we must all turn our lives over to the Lord, because our “hardest” is not enough. We need the Lord. Put his promises to the test! Place him first. You will be blessed. When you feel like you just can’t do one thing more, get on your knees and pray. He will guide us in our lives. He will help us prioritize in a way that will be best for us. It may not be the way that you would think to do it, but it will be more, mean more, and you will complete more
May the Lord bless you as you refocus your lives and place him first!

Valyn Tucker
1st Counselor
Kanesville Stake Relief Society