The February focus is 72 hour kits with a challenge to work on yours, whether that means starting one or adding to what you have go ahead and do it, you'll feel better even if all you manage is a case of water and some flashlights, something is better than nothing right?
I found an interesting post on things you might want to have around in case of an emergency, if you are already there with your 72 hour kits you might want to take a look at this.
Preparednesspro, Items to Hoard (for now and in case of emergency)
If you'd just like some ideas on what to put in a 72 hour kit here are a few links:
How to make a 72-hour kit
72-hour kits
72-hour kits for kids
72-hour kit in 12 steps
This is nice if you don't want to do it all at once AND - (I'm really excited about this)
the wonderful sister who writes this blog will be coming to speak to our stake in April!!
And here's whats in our (it will make you feel better) . . .
flashlight / headlamp and batteries
water bottle
water purification tablets (and a filter in mine)
hotel shampoo, cream rinse and lotion
socks & undies
jerky - although it may be too tough to chew
granola bars
fruit snacks
garbage sacks
can opener
contacts and solution for me
deodorant (for those of us who use it - (we have lots of little ones)
change of clothes
little first aid kit
towel (those little ones that expand)
one of those funny aluminum foil like blankets
probably some more odds and ends
and Dad's is definitely heavier on the survival type stuff
plus the kids have pictures and phone numbers in their backpacks and I'm working on adding to that
I definitely need to work on our kits but I feel so good knowing that we have a least started them.