September Group Buy Specials from Emergency Essentials and Honeyville Farms
sign order sheet on Sunday and have money* to your RS president or
Patty Wintle by September 16th. Payment must be made at this time (this is
a change but should facilitate the ordering process). *Checks should
be made out to Patty Wintle.
EvriDay Dehydrated Hashbrown Potatoes
6lb metalized zip-top bag, 144
2/3-cup servings, $17.00
20 masks per pack, $10.00
Mountain House Western Style Egg with Ham, Pepper and Cheese
19 oz can ,$25.00
25-Pack of MRE Peanut Butter
1.5 oz pack $10.00
100 piece first-aid kid
Honeyville Farms
Freeze dried turkey
#10 can, $37.25