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Thursday, May 4, 2017

May Stake Relief Society Message

May 2017
My dear sweet sisters, I feel compelled to talk to you on Elder Larry R Lawrence’s talk in the April 2017 Ensign titled “The War Goes On.” It addresses the challenges that we face from Satan, especially as “the battle is heating up as the Saints prepare for the return of the Savior.” As I read the article, I was struck by how easy it is to become upset and frustrated at the choices of the people around us and how the thoughts in our heads and the actions that follow can be shifted as we allow Satan to use his wiles on us, but how we can overcome it all. In this battle that is raging on, how can we not only cope, but excel? How can we ensure that the Savior’s path is the one that we are following? How can we protect ourselves and our families from the evils of the world? By focusing on the Savior and knowing how to prevent Satan from accessing our lives.
Elder Lawrence discusses some of Satan’s strategies and how we can overcome and/or avoid them. I will quickly go through them, but please read the whole article and discuss with your families how you can implement his suggestions in your lives.
1.     Temptation. It is pretty obvious in our lives that Satan’s biggest tool is temptation. We see it all around us. Some things are small and we use justification to make us feel better that they aren’t too bad. Some things are large, but we assume that we will never make choices that include them. Satan whispers unclean and unkind thoughts and sows thoughts of doubt. He has introduced addictions, such that small things become large things.  One of the Most effective tools we have is to “send Satan away.” We have the Savior to stand beside us, don’t allow Satan to dwell in your hearts or in your lives. As President Heber J. Grant as a boy would say out loud, “Mr. Devil, shut up.” You have the right and the power to demand that he depart from you. Your Savior is there for you.
2.     Lies and deception. Satan knows how to twist things to be believable. He may whisper things like “You never do anything right” or “No one cares about you.” These are lies. If they do not uplift, they are not from the Lord. Satan also uses counterfeits, not opposites to deceive us. The world is trying to blur the lines between black and white and good and evil. Satan uses things that are similar to what the Lord uses, so that people get confused. They are a “twisted version of something good.” We need to remember that “That which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness” (D&C 50:23).
3.     Contention.  Anyone who has ever had family night, gone to church, or to the temple knows that Satan tries to cause contention before this activities that are of God. He is hoping that this contention will cause us to avoid doing these things. Too often, it works. We must try even harder and focus more on doing the Lord’s will, so that we keep the Spirit in our lives. Often, the contention is caused by faultfinding. It is too easy to notice the faults of others and let our thoughts turn continually negative. I used to think that “backbiting and gossiping” were bad solely because we may cause sadness to the other person. It is much more than that! Satan knows that the more we dwell on the negativity, the less we focus on the Spirit. By focusing on the faults of others, we may become prideful in our actions. We may drag others down with us. Unfortunately, it is too easy and even sometimes justified, but such a horrible thing can consume our lives.
4.     Discouragement. As women, we are way too familiar with this one. President Ezra Taft Benson suggested tools to fight this:

His suggestions include serving others; working hard and avoiding idleness; practicing good health habits, which include exercising and eating foods in their natural state; seeking a priesthood blessing; listening to inspiring music; counting your blessings; and setting goals. And above all, as the scriptures teach, we are to pray always so we can conquer Satan (see D&C 10:5).11

“Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.” Praying always is not a suggestion, it is a necessary part of our salvation!
Satan doesn’t know our thoughts unless we tell him. Our murmuring, complaining, criticizing and negative words expose our weaknesses to him. He may slip unwanted thoughts into our minds, but we have the power to shift them quickly out. We are not judged by what is thrown at us, but by what we choose to dwell on.
The good news is that we outnumber the enemy and we are fighting on the Lord’s side. We just need to “Make sure you are carrying the sword of the Spirit.” Turn to the Lord and “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
We love each of you sisters! Please know that we pray for you daily. May we put on the whole armor of God and lift each other, rejoice in Christ, and hold to the rod as we strive to live God’s commandments, so that we may all return to live with him forever.
Sister Valyn Tucker
1st Counselor