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Monday, August 3, 2015

Thank you Everyone

Dear Everyone,

Thank you all so much for the countless hours you spent helping us with our service project for the Days for Girls Organization.  I just wanted to make you aware of a few statistics.  We had at least 150 participants across the two days.  I know there were more who came and didn't sign our little sign-up sheet.  There were over 800 volunteer hours provided not including the hours spent washing and ironing fabric, organizing and preparing materials and getting the word out.  We completed 220 kits, but had many more components made that were sent with Julie to take to the next event.  We had material enough to give to the Young Single Adults who will host their own service project in January.  We had almost $700.00 in donations that we did not need that has been sent to Julie to use to buy PUL and other needed supplies.  (Julie needs $400.00 to buy a 100 yd bolt of PUL and that is at their price--it would have cost us 4 times as much).  We had women who sewed items the Friday between our event and then took others home to finish.  I know they single-handedly did a couple of hundred shields in various stages of completion. We had people who brought food without being asked and stayed to help clean-up without being assigned to do so.  

You all are truly amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  If you didn't get enough of this wonderful service, St. Mary's may be hosting one in the future and may allow us to help them.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.  What an honor for me to be influenced by so many truly good women.  Please share this information with those you are aware of who helped us.

#quote "We make a living by what we get, but we make a LIFE by what we give."  –Winston Churchill