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Thursday, March 5, 2015

March Share Fair

The Share Fair logo

  1. share fair  SHer/  fer/ noun  a meeting of like minded folks who share a desire to exchange the excess paraphernalia (stuff)currently residing in their abodes, or in the vicinity of said abodes.
    "At the share fair we give away our extra and go home with fun new treasures".

    All excess will be loaded into a trailer bound for Deseret Industries on Friday morning.

    When:  Thursday March 12, 2015 from 4pm to 8pm*

    *if you need to drop off stuff earlier in the day, you can just leave if outside the doors

    Where:  The "original" building (LDS meeting house on the corner of 4000 S and 3900 West)

    What:  Clean, gently used items, for example; clothing, (especially scouting items) books, household items, please nothing too heavy , unless you plan on coming back to get it at 7:30 pm (if it doesn’t get taken)

    Cost: NONE, bring what you don’t want, take what you need, everything else will be given to the DI