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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Oct- Thoughts - General Women's Conference

Thoughts from some of our Sisters about the service we received at our recent General Women's Conference;

 I recently attended an additional Relief Society meeting where Sister Sheri Dew was sharing some insights on Women and the Priesthood. Asking for responses from the audience, a few comments reflected some women's feelings that they felt like 2nd class citizens in the church. I wish those same sisters could have experienced the interactions I had with multiple male members of our stake the past few weeks. President Robbins allowed us to have a dinner prior to our recent General Women's Meeting. His desire was for the brethren, young and older, in our stake to set up for the event, prepare the meal, serve the food and clean-up after. They did just that. I felt honored. Everything was done to make the women of our stake feel special. It was all done for us. Thanks especially to Josh Hoellein of the Prairie Crossing Ward for planning and executing the entire event and Brother Davis of Regal Country ward for supplying the table linens. Thanks also to the primary kids and youth who helped us set up, the young men who dressed in white shirts and black pants to serve and the countless priesthood holders who were out in the rain cooking, inside making salad plates and cleaning it all up as if 340 plus women had not just enjoyed a delicious meal.
 Patty W - Country View

Thank you?  It was wonderful evening and the food was awesome?
Thanks for all the love you show us.
Ruthann B - Fairgrove

Thanks you so much for everything you did to make our night so special.  Down to the smallest detail, everything was done to perfection and I appreciate all of the hard work, dedication and hours of service you performed in our behalf!
Thanks, Jill S. - Fairgrove

Thank you so much for the wonderful evening!  The food was great!  It was such a nice evening!  Thanks again,  Aimee M - Fairgrove

Thank you for the lovely night our.  Everything was decorated nicely, the young men were quick and polite while serving and picking up the food, dishes and water.  It was very nice to go out and have dinner served and to listen to the speakers.  Your efforts were well-received and very much appreciated.
Thanks, Vickie R - Fairgrove

Thank you very much for such a lovely evening.  I truly felt the love of the Lord through the service of the men and young men of the stake to me and to my daughter.  Thank you, men of the stake and Relief Society stake leadership!
Lacy R - Fairgrove

Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner and evening provided for the girls,young women and women in our stake it truly helped bring us together as sisters, and bring the spirit.  I love you!
London B - Fairgrove

To all who helped with the dinner and broadcast a hearty thank you.  The conference was a beautiful experience.
Debbie C. - Fairgrove

Thanks for all the hard work and preparation it took to feed us at the women's conference.  We appreciated you kindness and support.
Jean R and Marilyn T - Fairgrove


 If you feel like you'd like to provide a service to the men of our stake; we as sisters will be providing homemade goodies for them after the priesthood session next Saturday. Please feel free to drop off a plateful at the stake center on Saturday October 4th by 7:30pm.