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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jul 2014 - Sisterhood - Putting your trust in God

This is Cindy M.'s story . . .

July 2009 I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer with lymph node 

involvement. I was devastated to learn that I had cancer. That wasn’t part 

of my life’s plan!

After the mammogram, ultra sound, and biopsy I met with a surgeon to get 

the final pathology report. The appointment lasted two hours because she 

discussed all the findings and all the treatment options with my husband and 

me. It didn’t sound good. I had to have surgery for a port inserted in my 

chest, chemotherapy, breast surgery, radiation, periodic heart tests, etc etc. 

There were decisions to be made such as whether to have surgery first or 

chemo first and what kind of surgery to have. I left the appointment totally 

overwhelmed and in shock. I was in a daze the remainder of that day. 

When I went to bed that night I couldn’t sleep. About 2:00 am I got out 

of bed. I was very anxious and scared. It had finally hit me...I had breast 

cancer! I was experiencing some strange emotions I had never felt before. 

I was so anxious that I just paced back and forth. It finally dawned on me, 

“I need to pray.” I got on my knees and told my Heavenly Father that I 

knew a lot of people had faced harder trials than what lay ahead of me, but 

I was really scared. I told Him I couldn’t do it alone and I needed His help. 

Immediately I felt peace. The dark feelings went away and were replaced 

with God’s overwhelming love and a calm reassurance that all would be 

well. I spent some time talking to Heavenly Father and sharing my fears 

with Him. When I went back to bed I was able to go right to sleep.

I was given many tender mercies during that year of cancer treatment; I 

knew that God was watching over me. I came to know how near He is, how 

much He loves me. I learned to put trust in God and the Lord, and my faith 

in His atoning power grew. With their help, and the support of my husband, 

I was able to get through this challenge. I know that God our Father knows 

us personally and reaches out to help us. I know that I can access the Lord’s 

power to bless and deliver me in any of life’s challenges.

Cindy is a member of the Prairie Crossing ward.