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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Aug 2014 - Thought on the Divine Role of Women

The Beginning of Better Days was very enjoyable to read. It was interesting and compelling.  Giving us as readers the desire to ask questions and seek for answers.  I appreciate the efforts of Virginia Pearce and Sherry Dew.  They are incredible people and very talented writers. But more importantly what the book provided for me was a confirmation of my own personal thoughts and opinions of what being a woman really means.  It confirmed that the Holy Ghost has been teaching me all along about the role of women in our Heavenly Father's eyes.  It confirmed to me that the questions I have been asking are taking me in the right direction and I can continue in receiving more enlightenment.  As the book states knowledge is power, I have witnessed that power in my life as I have come to understand my divine role as a woman. I appreciated the collection of quotes from others that were present in the book.  One quote that touched me like nothing I have ever experienced was by James E. Talmage.  He explained the bestowal of the Priesthood and the endowment and how it all works.  The closing sentence of this quote states: "Mortal eye cannot see nor mind comprehend the beauty, glory, and majesty of a righteous woman made perfect in the Celestial kingdom of God."  I have never had a witness so great from the Holy Ghost.  These words reached to my very core.  I knew them to be true and every woman has that opportunity to receive all the Father has.   Thanks for using your talents to enlighten women and empower us with knowledge.  You have enlightened me and I will never forget the experience I had while reading. 

Margie S, Fairgrove Ward