Emergency Essentials has dehydrated apple chips in #10 cans for $9.00 a can if you purchase 6 or more (Group Special). These are really good to eat right out of the can, but this morning I put some in my oatmeal and they were delicious. If purchasing singly the price is $16.95 a can. They will store for quite some time, kids love them, they are an easy addition to any recipe that might be good with fruit, i.e. muffins and made my morning bowl of oatmeal even better.
Emergency Essentials has a new store at 70 S 500 W in Bountiful and is EASY to access before or after making a visit to the Bountiful Temple. This may be a good purchase with extended family or with a group of friends or ward members.
Emergency Essentials - 25 oz can (buy 6) = $9 = .36 an oz.
Home Storage Center (LDS) - 16 oz of product $5.7 + $1 for can (and your time to can it) = $6.7 = .41 an oz
To check out a case lot comparison list from prepared LDS family check here (some prices are from 2011) Apple slices are at the top of page 7