I want you to know that the messages we share with you each month are things that the Lord knows you (and we) need. We strive to listen for the whisperings of the Spirit as we decide on topics and prayerfully put words to paper in hopes that you, too, will feel the Spirit and gain some insight that uplifts you and brings you peace and joy. Sometimes the words come easy. Sometimes not! As I studied and prayed about what to share this month, I read again the message I shared with you in December. I asked a question, referring to Jesus Christ, and provided one possible answer, “How can we come to know Him? Knowing Him comes through studying His word – learning about Him so we can come to know Him. Knowing Him comes through applying and likening the scriptures to our lives and praying to recognize His hand in our lives – for, once we know Him, we can become like Him.”
Are you coming to know Him? Do you know how loved you are by the Savior of the world? I pray for each of you daily. I hope you know and can feel His love for you!
One of the names for our Savior is “The Good Shepherd”. Why? One reason is that he declared himself so, in John 10:11 when He said, “I am the good shepherd.” We know that Jesus often taught in parables. John 10:1-18 contains one such parable, where Jesus talks of shepherds, sheep, sheepfolds, thieves, robbers, strangers, and voices. What do shepherds, or any of these things, have to do with Jesus Christ and why would he declare himself “the good shepherd”? Though His parables are sometimes hard to understand, I have found that understanding can come when we become familiar with some of the customs and practices of his day. As I have studied, I have learned some things about the Palestinian shepherds of Jesus’ time. Knowing these things has helped me to understand how Christ shepherds me, how he loves me, seeks after me, and saves me.
President Ezra Taft Benson gave the following description of ancient shepherds: “In Jesus’ time, the Palestinian shepherd was noted for his protection of his sheep. Unlike modern sheepherders, the shepherd always walked ahead of his flock. He led them. The shepherd knew each of the sheep and usually had a name for each. The sheep knew his voice and trusted him and would not follow a stranger. Thus, when called, the sheep would come to him. At night shepherds would bring their sheep to a corral called a sheepfold. High walls surrounded the sheepfold, and thorns were placed on top of these walls to prevent wild animals and thieves from climbing over. Sometimes, however, a wild animal driven by hunger would leap over the walls into the midst of the sheep, frightening them. Such a situation separated the true shepherd – one who loved his sheep – from the hireling – one who worked only for pay and duty. The true shepherd was willing to give his life for the sheep. He would go in amongst the sheep and fight for their welfare. The hireling, on the other hand, valued his own personal safety above the sheep and would usually flee from danger.”
I encourage you to read and study the parable found in John 10. Some questions you could ask include:
• Who/what is the door to the sheepfold and through what ordinance(s) do I enter?
• What could the sheepfold represent?
• What is the significance of sheep being led vs driven and how can I liken it to myself?
• Who/what are the strangers I should flee from?
• How is the Savior like a true shepherd?
• How does Christ shepherd me?
• How does Christ seek after me?
• How does Christ save me?
Some other references for information and study:
• Hymn 221 – Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
• Bible video “The Good Shepherd and Other Sheep I Have” - https://youtu.be/iKwabH-k2fg
• LDS Religion Course Manual “The Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles”, chapter 15, section 15-6 (The Symbolism of the Good Shepherd).
• Bible Dictionary – Sheep
• Video of a shepherd calling his sheep - https://youtu.be/Coq_grSFlNs
Like the shepherd loves his sheep and knows their names, so Jesus Christ loves each of us. He knows our names. He calls us. Do we know his voice? Do we hear him and come unto him? I know He lives! I am striving to know his voice and come when he calls. As you do likewise you will be blessed to know him, his voice, and his love for you!
Sis. Michelle Holt